Since 2013

Qualifications & Specialization



Provides Training and Occupational Skills course work for grater employment and advancement possibilities. Normally 80% course is dedicated towards attainment of practical skills. Apprenticeship is an integral part of these courses. Most of the programs are of 8-12 months and are targeted for individuals between 16-19 years of age. Ex: Automotive Technician, Diesel and Heavy Mechanic Technician, Welding, Pharmacy Technician etc…


Are an Extension of Diploma and includes more theory and specialization on the subject of study. Most of the countries treat it as a part of undergraduate degree and have progression pathways. Mostly taken up by professionals as an extension of existing qualifications. Ex: Accounting & Finance, Animation, Aviation, Financial Planning etc...


Awarded after 2 years of Study at a Community College, Technical College or a Bachelor Granting University in USA and Canada. These act as foundation program based on which students pursue their specialization for next 2 years towards Bachelor Degree. Some of the programs offered under associate degree are: Business and Commerce Technology, Mechanical Technology, Data Processing etc...


Is usually awarded for undergraduate studies ranging from 3 - 4 years, wherein student goes through extensive classroom and practical training towards his program of specialization. Some of degrees awarded are Bachelor of Science/Engineering/Arts/ Philosophy/Business etc. These is basic qualification required by most of the employers all over the world.


Is normally awarded for a postgraduate qualification which is less than postgraduate diploma or Masters Degree. Normal duration of it is 6 months. Mostly provided by universities in UK and Australia. In Canada the duration of this course is for 1 year and is an extension to the Bachelor Degree earned by the candidate. As with other diplomas focus more of enhancement of employability skills of students. Ex: PG Cert in Business/Computer Science/ Electrical Engineering etc...


Awarded for completion of qualifications after Bachelors. Normal duration for the course is 1 year. Like Post graduate Certificate it’s a pathway towards Master’s Degree. Ex: PG Diploma in Computer Science/ Biology etc...


Awarded for Study of 2 years after Bachelor’s Degree. It may be Classroom Base, Research based or normally combination of both. It is generally an extension specialization based on Bachelor’s degree. Some countries such as United Kingdom offers Masters ranging for 12-16 Months duration. Normally it is an essential prelude for eligibility of admission into doctorate program. Some of the Examples of Master’s Degree are Masters in Science/Art/Law/ Business/Engineering/ Theology etc…


These programs are designed as a combination of Masters along with doctorate degree. The basic qualification required for admission is a Bachelor’s Degree in the related discipline. These are offered to exceptional candidates who have huge potential and ability to excel in high performance environment. The purpose of the integrated Phd is to gradually condition one’s thoughts towards research, while providing a view of the trials and tribulations in small doses. So when one joins an Int. PhD program, just in 2-3 months, one is shuttled from a semester-and-exam based system to one where you are learning skills and tools all the time, with evaluations based on presentation, data talks and discussions. These programs are offered across all disciplines i.e. Computer Science/All Engineering/Life Sciences etc… and are of 4-5 years duration. PHD : Doctorate degrees are offered after completion of Masters Degree. You’ll learn more in the first year of Int. PhD than you ever will in the first year of any other degree. The fact that mostly premier institutes offer this program ensures that the student would be exposed to cutting-edge technology, world-renowned speakers and an internationally trained faculty. Since the requirements are tough and the course is purely research Based, admissions criteria are usually very stringent. The normal duration of the Phd Program is 5 years. These programs are offered across all disciplines i.e. Computer Science/All Engineering/Life Sciences etc…. Most of the times students are eligible for fellowships while pursuing their Phd’s.


We have tried to cover basic points of the most common qualifications. There are bound to be exceptions as it varies across different countries.
Please email us at or call us at 91-89778 88010 for any further queries.