Since 2013

10-Point CGPA to 4-Point CPA Conversion Guide

GPA Conversion

10 to 4 Scale GPA Conversion


In the global academic landscape, grading systems vary significantly from one region to another. While some countries employ a 4.0 GPA scale, others use a 10.0 CGPA scale.

This can lead to confusion and challenges when students, educators, or employers need to compare and evaluate academic performance.

This comprehensive guide will walk you through the process of converting a 10-point CGPA to a 4-point GPA.

Understanding the Basics

Before we delve into the conversion process, let's establish a solid understanding of the grading systems involved:

  1. CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average): Commonly used in countries like India, the CGPA system assigns a grade on a 10.0 scale. The highest possible CGPA is often 10.0, representing the top grade.
  2. GPA (Grade Point Average): Widely used in the United States and some other countries, the GPA system operates on a 4.0 scale, with an 'A' grade translating to 4.0, a 'B' to 3.0, and so on.

How to Convert 10-point CGPA to 4-point GPA?

Step 1: Identify the CGPA Scale

The first step in converting a CGPA to a GPA is to identify the specific CGPA scale you are dealing with.

Some institutions may use a 9.0 or 10.0 scale, so it's crucial to determine the exact scale in use.

Step 2: Determine the Equivalencies

The conversion process requires identifying the equivalencies between CGPA and GPA on a point scale.

Please note that these conversions may vary slightly depending on institutional policies. Always consult with your institution or the institution you are applying to for specific guidelines.

Step 3: Individual Course Conversion

In some cases, you may need to convert individual course grades rather than the overall CGPA.

In this scenario, use the same conversion scale as mentioned in Step 2 for each course's grade.

After converting all course grades, calculate the weighted average to determine the GPA.

Step 4: Calculate the GPA

For most applicants, the conversion will involve calculating the GPA from the overall CGPA. To do this, you simply multiply your CGPA by the equivalent GPA for your specific scale.

For example, if your CGPA is 8.5 on a 10.0 scale, the calculation would be as follows:

CGPA 8.5 x GPA equivalent 3.4 (as per the conversion scale) = GPA 2.89

Step 5: Rounding

When converting, it's essential to round the GPA to the nearest tenth.

In our example, CGPA 8.5 was converted to GPA 2.89, which would be rounded to 2.9.

Step 6: Verify with the Institution

To ensure accuracy and compliance with the institution or organization's specific requirements, always verify your GPA conversion process.

Institutions or employers may have their unique guidelines for CGPA to GPA conversion, which could differ slightly from the standard scale.